Stretching your lower back: 4 exercises to help you stretch and relax your lower backLower back pain is the most common cause of visits to the doctor in USA. A total of 85% of Americans suffer from back pain at least once...
How Philipp stayed tuned and lost 46 kilos of body fatGet to know Philipp, the education student who turns women's heads. Philipp was able to start studying earlier than many of his school...
WHY IS FAT LOSS MORE DIFFICULT IN WOMEN? (AND HOW TO FIX IT)Women do not respond to exercise like men and take longer to lose fat. Explanations and solutions! Maybe your man has the emotional depth...
Feb 14, 20215 min readHow Philipp stayed tuned and lost 46 kilos of body fatGet to know Philipp, the education student who turns women's heads. Philipp was able to start studying earlier than many of his school...