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Stretching your lower back: 4 exercises to help you stretch and relax your lower back


Lower back pain is the most common cause of visits to the doctor in USA. A total of 85% of Americans suffer from back pain at least once in their life. 77% are due to pain in the lumbar spine.

The good news: Much of the back pain is not due to dangerous illnesses or harmful changes in the tissue. Exercise such as yoga and stretching are effective for getting rid of the pain.

In this article we introduce you to helpful exercises with which you can stretch and relax your lower back in a targeted manner .

Why you should stretch your lower back

Due to our sedentary lifestyle, our back is exposed to one-sided loads, which can lead to the development of pain and tension.

Sedentary lifestyle is one of the biggest risk factors for tension in the back, especially in the lumbar region.

So that you are no longer one of the sufferers and can better prevent unpleasant complaints, we have put together five exercises for you today with which you can stretch and relax your lower back in a targeted manner.

If there is tension or pain in the lower back, it is important to act as quickly as possible. In this way you actively prevent further pain or even chronification.

Shakespeare said very appropriately:

"Our body is a garden and our will is the gardener."

Imagine your health is like a plant that withers if you don't take care of it regularly. However, if you take an active part in maintaining it, you will be able to bear fruit for a long time to come.

Now do the following 4 exercises with us and then learn how you can prevent pain in the lumbar vertebrae in the future.

Dear Reader, If you, or someone you love, struggles with chronic, or even occasional back pain...This simple yet powerful stretch is helping erase years of back pain for those who have battled herniated disks, sciatica, and chronic back pain, some for decades. It seems to work no matter the level of back pain: occasional to chronic... even herniated discs and sciatica.
You have got to see this video that's going viral...It's based on the strange Himalayan secret to erasing back pain. Click here to watch now

4 exercises to help you stretch and relax your lower back

1. Dive once, please!

Don't worry, you don't need diving goggles or swimwear for this exercise. This dry run is especially relaxing if you've been sitting all day. You can easily do it in the office in between.

Aim of the exercise:

stretching and relieving the lower back

Exercise instructions:

Sit on the front edge of your chair and place both feet firmly on the floor. There should be an angle of about 90 ° between the upper and lower legs.

Now slowly bend down until your upper body rests on your thighs. Your head and arms hang down comfortably. Hold for about five breaths in this position and take a relaxed, deep breath in and out through your stomach to take even more pressure off your lumbar spine.

Straighten yourself up vertebra by vertebra by resting your hands on your knees and slowly pushing yourself up. Keep your head down until you get back up.

2. Belly dance

Aim of the exercise:

loosen and mobilize the lower back muscles and pelvic floor, strengthen the abdominal muscles


approx. 2 minutes

Exercise instructions:

Stand hip-width apart and with your knees slightly bent in front of a large mirror so that you can see your movements better.

Put your hands on your hips. Now draw an imaginary 8 with circular hip movements for about two minutes. Control the hip movements using your abdominal muscles and your lower back.

3. Use your pelvis to trace the face of a clock

This exercise is ideal for the office, as you can easily do it on your office chair. But you can also do it while standing in front of the mirror.

Aim of the exercise:

relieve tension in the lumbar spine area through mobilization

Exercise instructions:

Sit on the front edge of your office chair and put your feet firmly on the floor. Alternatively, you can stand hip-width apart and with your knees slightly bent in front of a mirror.

Imagine the face of a clock and start tracing the hours on your lower back. It doesn't matter what time you start. For example, you can start at 12 o'clock and slowly move your pelvis towards 3 o'clock, 6 o'clock and then 9 o'clock.

Also circle your hips counterclockwise and do the movements for about two minutes.

4. Bend your legs in the prone position

I find this exercise particularly relaxing after a long day in the office.

Aim of the exercise:

stretch your lower back and relax

Exercise instructions:

Lie on your prone position on your yoga mat and bend your right leg at an angle of 90 ° to the side of your body. Try to keep your body flat on the floor. Put your head on your arms. The tip of the nose points to the mat.

Now try to press your pelvis against the floor. Hold this position for about 15 seconds while slowly tilting your pelvis to the right and left. There should be a slight and comfortable stretch in the lower back.


You now know simple exercises with which you can stretch and relax your lower back.

Therefore, fight consciously against it and try as often as possible to bring movement into your everyday life and to work ergonomically.


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