10 tips to lose weight without diet and healthy.
It's difficult these days to flip through a health magazine or consult a website without coming across all kinds of deceptive advertisements that promise to lose weight using the most eccentric diets.

It is who will make the biggest promises, even if everyone declares loud and clear that they have THE diet that will make you lose weight quickly.
What if I told you that you can safely lose weight without dieting?
There are clever ways that will allow you to lose weight effectively, without going hungry and without absurd eating plan.
In this article, I give you clear answers and concrete advice. You will learn how to lose weight without dieting, without complicating your life.
Here is what you will discover there:
Why never eat in front of the TV if you want to lose weight
10 tips to help you lose weight without dieting
How many hours to spend in the arms of Morpheus if you value your health
My cousin's stupid mistake (which increased his chances of gaining weight by 115%)
How to change your bad eating habits
Content of the article
How to lose weight without dieting easily
Tip # 1: Be aware of what you swallow
Tip # 2: Only Eat When You Are Really Hungry
Tip # 3: Lose Weight Without Being Hungry With Water
Tip # 4: The Importance of Quality Sleep
Tip # 5: Surround yourself with more people with healthy habits
Tip # 6: Eat Slowly
Tip # 7: Plan your meals
Tip # 8: Don't touch the superfluous
Tip # 9: Replace the cooking butter with coconut oil
Tip # 10: Change your worst habits
Changing bad habits to lose weight without dieting
Lose extra pounds and belly fat quickly with easy-to-use slimming recipes
How to lose weight without dieting easily
The advertisements that we see everywhere on television and online are full of promises about the benefits of slimming products. Even the packaging of supermarket slimming products claims to make you lose up to 5 pounds in a week.
As you are fed up with this belly, you give in and buy the product in question. But, as always, the results are disappointing. You stop, frustrated and desperate.
It is totally illusory to believe that these products are effective. Even though they offer little results, they are never lasting.
So how do you lose weight without a diet and lose those extra pounds for good?
In reality, losing weight without dieting is not that difficult and does not cost a fortune.
Leading a healthy lifestyle, following a balanced and varied diet and applying a few smart tips is more than enough to lose weight without a healthy diet and regain a normal weight.
Healthy and easy weight loss is never just a question of diet. Physical activity and lifestyle also play a major role.
You don't have to spend a fortune to lose weight without dieting. By following the advice in this article, you can safely and sustainably lose weight without extreme dieting.
Do you want to lose weight without dieting easily and without being hungry? Start by applying the following principles and tips in your daily life.

Tip # 1: Be aware of what you swallow
Losing weight without dieting is easier than you sometimes think. I'll start with an important tip that we don't always think about. Paying attention to what you eat can help you eat fewer calories.
When you play video games or are glued to your favorite TV series, you are less aware of what you are doing. Do not get distracted from your meals, otherwise you may eat more than you need, which often results in a feeling of discomfort and overflow.
In a review article, the results of 24 nutritional studies were reviewed. These revealed that you ingest up to 10% more food when you are distracted.
TV shows may cause you to consume more calories than you actually need.
Paying attention to your meal, at the table and with your family, can help you eat less and lose weight.
Tip # 2: Only Eat When You Are Really Hungry
We often eat without even being hungry yet. You notice on the clock that it's time for the lunch break, but in fact, you are absolutely not hungry.
Or your partner has prepared a delicious breakfast or a full surprise lunch for you. So hard to say no ... It is however wiser to listen to your internal clock and say no more often.
One study showed that people who rely on the time of day to know when to eat tend to eat earlier than those who rely solely on their hunger cues .
In short, rely on your hunger signals and don't be fooled by external factors. You are less likely to absorb more calories than your body really needs.
Tip # 3: Lose Weight Without Being Hungry With Water
I don't think I need to tell you that drinking water is good for you. The human body is made up of almost 70% water.
Drinking plenty of water every day contributes to weight loss thanks to the thermogenic effect.
Drinking water can increase metabolism by up to 40% over a period of 1 to 1.5 hours. This means that your body will burn more calories.
What if you don't like water? Many people are reluctant to drink water regularly because they find it tasteless.
My answer is invariably that drinking water can be learned. That said, you can give it a little more flavor to your water by adding half a lemon or opting for green tea.
Do you like to drink a good cup of coffee? You are not the only one: as much as 80% of the world's population drink coffee every day.
Forget milk and sugar and go for black coffee. Black coffee has almost no calories.
Another advantage of coffee is that it stimulates the metabolism and slightly stimulates the nervous system so that the nervous system sends signals to fat cells that promote fat loss.

Do you want an example of a slimming menu, along with the recipes and the shopping list? Click here .
Tip # 4: The Importance of Quality Sleep
Quality sleep is extremely important for your health.
In fact, getting enough sleep is just as important as:
Your physical activity
In addition, lack of sleep is strongly linked to weight gain.
Research shows that people who get little sleep are more prone to overweight than people who get enough rest and sleep.
Short sleep (less than 6 hours of sleep per night) is one of the biggest risk factors for obesity.
A large study has shown that insufficient sleep, in children and adults, is associated with an 89% and 55% higher risk of obesity.
Here are some reasons why poor sleep promotes weight gain:
Disruption of the hormonal system (increased cortisol levels)
Lack of motivation for physical activity (fatigue and lethargy)
In short, if you want to lose weight without dieting, pay attention to the quality and duration of your sleep.
Here are some tips to keep in mind if you want to get the most out of your sleep:
Get at least 7 hours of sleep a day
Check whether your mattress and pillow are still in good condition or need to be replaced.
Banish TV screens and smartphones from your bedroom.
Make sure it is not too hot in your room.
Use earplugs for the night or a sleep mask.
Tip # 5: Surround yourself with more people with healthy habits
You might not know it, but the people you interact with the most have a big impact on your chances of being overweight.
The results of a Harvard study suggest that your odds of obesity increase by as much as 57% if you have a good friend who is obese and by 37% if your partner is overweight .
This is not that surprising, when you think about it.
If your friends and family lead an unhealthy lifestyle, it will be more difficult for you to lose weight permanently.
In addition, we tend to eat more when we are in the company of other people.
Surround yourself with people who support you and motivate you to lose weight.
Tip # 6: Eat Slowly
This trick seems pretty obvious but it is far from being applied by everyone.
Lose weight quickly without diet by eating more slowly!
Take my cousin. He finished all his meals within five minutes.
Until I told him that people who eat fast are 115% more likely to get fat. He then began to eat more consciously. Eating slowly reduces the number of calories ingested per meal by 10% on average.
When your stomach is empty, your body will start to secrete ghrelin. Once you have eaten, the production of this hormone stops.
The only problem is that if you eat quickly, your brain is not receiving the signals for fullness. Indeed, this process takes about 20 minutes.
So wait at least 20 minutes to refill yourself if you are still hungry.
Note that you can speed up this process by drinking a full glass of water 10 minutes before eating. It will take less time for your brain to realize that you are full.
Tip # 7: Plan your meals
To eat better, plan your meals. People are more likely to eat healthy if they discuss together in advance what to eat when.

This tip will help you suppress impulsive choices. If you take a balanced meal to work every day, you'll be less tempted by your coworker and avoid ordering a Big Mac menu or pizza.
Tip # 8: Don't touch the superfluous
Ask your partner to help you adopt new eating habits and don't let unhealthy foods enter your home.
Think of simple measures, for example:
Don't drink beer during the week
Do without dessert
No chips and snacks in front of the TV
Replace the spread with a healthier alternative
Believe it or not, after a week, these simple changes can save you hundreds of unnecessary calories without having to change your meals drastically.
Tip # 9: Replace the cooking butter with coconut oil
Replacing cooking butter with coconut oil has many health benefits.
Coconut oil can help you lose weight without dieting and in a healthy way.
It contains fats which help reduce appetite and increase fat burning.
A daily consumption of 30 ml of coconut oil can lead to a decrease in calories ingested and to a reduction in abdominal fat.
Tip # 10: Change your worst habits
Did you know that you can lose weight without dieting quickly and easily just by tackling your bad habits?
After a few months, these small changes in your daily life make a colossal difference if you want to lose weight.
Here is a list of foods and / or habits that have a bad influence on your health and body weight:
Eat while you are not hungry
Many people eat without being hungry out of habit, as soon as they get home or finish work.
Consume sodas and "light" products
Sodas are loaded with sugars and frequent consumption of "low fat" products that contain artificial sweeteners can lead to type 2 diabetes.
Eat hamburgers from fast food
Burgers from McDonalds, Quick, and others are calorie bombs that are best not eaten often. For example, a Big Mac hamburger contains 525 calories.
Eat sugary cereals for breakfast
Contrary to what you might think, cornflakes and other sugary cereals are not the ideal breakfast. Most breakfast cereals are way too sweet. Many contain more than 15 grams of sugars per serving.
Following draconian diets
Not only is extreme dieting psychologically hell, it doesn't work in the long run. As soon as you stop the diet, the weight you lost comes back at a gallop, sometimes even with a few extra pounds.
Consume protein bars and cereal bars
You might think that these are healthy snacks, but they are not. Most protein bars and cereal bars are deceptive. They contain little protein and are full of simple carbohydrates.
Using margarine for cooking
Margarine is high in trans fat (and linoleic acid). Trans fats are very harmful to your body and your health. Better to use coconut oil.
Eat popcorn
Regular popcorn with no added sugars, salt, and melted butter is not bad for you. Unfortunately, movie theaters often serve popcorn that contains as much as 400 kilocalories per 100 grams.
Don't be fooled by the harmless air of popcorn.
Eat fried foods
If you are aiming for a healthy diet, fried foods should be avoided. To limit the damage, limit the consumption of fried foods and animal fat to once every two weeks.
Prefer salted peanuts to nuts
Roasted and salted peanuts contain much more simple carbohydrates than nuts without salt. If you want to lose weight, turn to walnuts, almonds, and cashews.
Drink a lot of alcohol
There is nothing wrong with having a small glass of alcohol once in a while. But drinking too much alcohol is bad for your health and will make you fat.
It's important to tackle your worst habits one by one. Trying to overcome them all at the same time would be ineffective. This would more or less amount to undertaking an untenable draconian diet: alert to the yoyo effect!
Take slimming pills
When we research how to lose weight without diet, we hear the merits of all kinds of slimming pills. Go your way!
Fortunes are spent on these "miracle pills" but the results are always disappointing and fleeting. Better to learn how to lose weight safely and in a healthy way.
Take on your most harmful habits.
Changing bad habits to lose weight without dieting
If you want to lose weight without dieting, start by changing your bad habits.
It's those ingrained habits that you unconsciously maintain day in and day out that keep you from losing weight.

The good news is, you can get rid of it. However, it takes time.
You might wonder how long ...
A British study carried out in 2009 helps us to see more clearly.
Scientists looked at the new habits of 96 people over 12 weeks. The time a person needs to display a new behavior that they want to adopt in their daily life is 66 days on average.
As I wrote above, it is very important to start by changing just one bad habit.
Tackling all of your bad habits at the same time would seriously minimize your chances of success. What is the use of making it more difficult for you?
Start by changing the habits that have the greatest impact on your health.
Most people will try to eat less sugar and refined carbohydrates.
Advice that just tells you to "eat less" and "exercise more to lose weight" is far too simplistic.
If it were so easy to change your habits, each New year we would not be millions of French people making the right resolution to lose weight and eat better.
Latest recommendations to lose weight quickly without diet:
Blindly counting calories is not the right solution.
And if you think you can lose weight while running, know that the subject is a little more complex.
Lose extra pounds and belly fat quickly with easy-to-use slimming recipes. Did you know that research shows that dieting causes weight gain in 1 in 3 people? This is why I have developed a method of weight loss that is easy to maintain and that avoids any yoyo effect. Discover how to lose several pounds per week with the help of delicious and easy-to-prepare slimming recipes: Try the Weight Loss Bible Risk Free