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8 Sport Tips To Lose Weight Quickly + Home Exercises


Updated: Feb 11, 2021

Do you want to play sports to lose weight, but you are wondering which is the best sport? Do you also want to know which is the best sport to lose fat, especially belly fat?

If you think running is the best way to lose fat, you're going to be disappointed (or relieved if you find running a life-threatening bother). The best sport for weight loss is NOT the sport you think it is. I'd even bet you've never heard of it. Here is what you will discover in this article:

  • What are the best sports for losing fat

  • What new type of training can make you lose weight quickly

  • A sport routine to lose weight to do at home

  • The best tips for losing weight through exercise and healthy eating

  • The healthiest way to speed up your metabolism

  • And of course, much more ...

Content of the article

  • Diet and sport for lasting weight loss

  • Tip # 1: Exercise to lose weight at home: train with weights

  • Tip n ° 2: The best of sport to firm your belly

  • Tip # 3: Lose weight with compound exercises

  • Tip 4: Lose weight quickly with the help of a suitable diet

  • Tip nº5: The importance of rest when you want to play sports to lose weight

  • Tip # 6: Drink plenty of water to stay healthy

  • Tip # 7: stop weighing yourself

  • Tip # 8: Keep Your Weight Under Control

  • Beginners weight loss sports routine

  • Lose extra pounds and belly fat quickly with easy-to-use slimming recipes

Diet and sport for lasting weight loss

The key to losing weight is to stay motivated and apply the most effective ways to burn off energy. The only way to lose weight fast and in a healthy way is to combine a healthy diet with participating in sports that stimulate fat loss.

The process of losing weight largely depends on your diet, but do not underestimate the added value of sport to lose weight!

There are two main reasons why you can't really lose weight without exercising:

  • First, losing fat takes a lot longer when you're just watching your diet.

  • Second, exercise helps keep you motivated

Playing sports can even reduce or prevent the yoyo effect. In principle, it is therefore possible to lose weight without exercising, but the chances of success are much lower.

If you want to firm up your tummy and hope for permanent weight loss, you need to integrate exercise into your daily life.

Even after returning to a healthy weight, you need to stay active through exercise. The extra energy you get through your diet has to be spent in some way. If you don't spend this energy, it turns into fat.

Below, I give you the best tips to lose weight permanently and lose weight belly.

Tip # 1: Exercise to lose weight at home: train with weights

A healthy way to speed up your metabolism is to build muscle.

Muscle mass is metabolically much more expensive than fat, and speeds up the metabolism .

This is because muscle uses more energy than body fat. This means you are burning more calories every day, even when you are at rest!

Fitness, strength training, and interval training also help preserve muscle when trying to lose weight, even when following a low calorie diet.

In one study, 48 overweight women were put on an 800 calorie per day diet. One group was not to do any exercise, another group was to aerobic exercise (such as jogging and running), and the last group was to weight training.

Only the women who underwent weight training had retained their muscle mass, metabolic rate, and strength. The other groups, in addition to losing body weight, had also lost muscle mass and saw a decrease in their metabolism.

If you are a woman, you might be thinking "but I don't want to get muscular!" "

Let me tell you one thing: Women don't produce enough testosterone to build muscle mass at the same rate as men.

It is physically impossible for a woman to get very muscular. So there is no reason to be afraid that weight training will make you look masculine.

By training at home using weights, you will sculpt a beautiful feminine figure, firm glutes and legs, and a slimmer waist.

Tip # 2: The best of sport to firm your belly

If you think about running, what I'm about to say is going to disappoint you. My opinion of running is not very positive. In any case, not when it comes to weight loss and fat burning.

Yet every year I see thousands of people with good intentions putting on their sneakers and walking the streets breathless, their running app to their ears.

Women in particular believe that running is an effective way to lose belly fat. Unfortunately, it is quite the opposite.

Endurance sports such as running are not the best choice of sport for lasting weight loss. Sure, you could lose a few pounds temporarily, but if you want to firm your stomach and buttocks, you can still run.

If you want an attractive and sexy figure, I suggest a sport other than running. It's not because I hate endurance sports, but because scientific research shows that there are much more effective training methods for burning fat.

And chances are you've never heard of it before!

What type of sport is it? I'm talking about interval training ( High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT ). Interval training is one of the best sports for burning fat and firming your stomach.

HIIT is a type of training that consists of intense exercise intervals interspersed with short periods of rest. HIIT stimulates the burning of fat (and therefore abdominal fat!) Through the (temporary) increase in your metabolism, even after the workout is finished.

Research shows ( source ) that those who practice HIIT lose no less than 7 (!) Times more body fat than those who only do cardio.

Do you want to get a firmer, more attractive body fast and spend less time training? You would be crazy not to try HIIT!

Tip # 3: Lose weight with compound exercises

We continue to believe that it is possible to lose fat locally in the belly. Hundreds of abdominal exercises won't make a difference if your body fat level is too high, however!

Unfortunately, localized fat loss is impossible. It is not possible to lose fat in a targeted manner on the stomach, legs, buttocks, or any other area of ​​the body.

The distribution of fat stores is above all a genetic question. You can't change it. All you can do is lower your overall fat percentage so that your abdominal muscles will eventually be visible.

Sure, your tummy will get more toned if you do the right exercises, but that won't show until your overall fat percentage drops.

In practice, it seems that men who follow a healthy diet and exercise lose weight a little faster than women. It is often more difficult for women to lose body fat because their bodies tend to store more fat.

What is the solution ?

The best sport tip for losing belly fat that I can give you is to get into compound exercises. Compound exercises tackle problem areas of both men and women.

Compound exercises are great for burning fat because they put more strain on muscle groups.

Most abdominal exercises target only the abdominal muscles, so other muscle groups in the body are little or little trained.

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Tip 4: Lose weight quickly with the help of a suitable diet

One of the biggest reasons people don't reach their weight loss goals is because they have no idea what they are doing.

A recent American study has shown that sport and physical activity will not help you much lose weight if your diet is not suitable. You can do whatever sport you want: if you eat poorly, you will never get a firm stomach.

In this regard, therefore, sport is not the most important factor in losing weight quickly and permanently.

Most women overestimate the number of calories they burn during physical activity.

They think they can eat all kinds of snacks and treats at the nearest gas station because they just did half an hour of cardio.

To successfully lose weight, it is important to pay close attention to your diet and be aware of what you are eating.

Be sure to eat the right macronutrient ratios and don't blindly count calories, as this won't tell you about the quality of your diet.

Tip # 5: The importance of rest when you want to play sports to lose weight

I keep emphasizing the importance of quality sleep. Why is that ? Well, because lack of sleep is linked to an increased risk of being overweight.

Various studies confirm that a lack of sleep is a source of health risks, including:

  • Slowing of metabolism

  • Increased blood sugar

  • Insulin resistance

All of this increases the risk of type 2 diabetes . In addition, it is scientifically proven that in the event of a lack of sleep, the "hunger hormone" takes over leptin (which suppresses appetite). As a result, you feel hungry more often and cravings more often.

Lack of sleep changes the way the body processes sugar and disrupts hormones that regulate appetite. This may explain why little sleepers have difficulty losing weight.

Tip # 6: Drink plenty of water to stay healthy

Good hydration is important to conserve energy.

The many biochemical processes that take place in the body cause a loss of fluids that must be replaced.

Water is lost through urine and stool, but also through perspiration and breathing.

Several studies have shown that a slight dehydration is enough to reduce the energy level and the ability to concentrate.

If you play sports to lose weight, you will only achieve your goals if you drink enough water every day.

  • I recommend that you drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day. When you exercise, drink an extra half liter of water every half hour.

Tip # 7: stop weighing yourself

If you exercise to lose weight and firm your stomach, having your eyes on your scale is one of the worst mistakes you can make. This is because muscle weighs more than fat.

So after a period of intensive training, it may very well be that you have lost body fat, but it is not noticeable on the scale.

However, your physique is much more attractive and you appear slimmer. Don't panic: it's not about weight loss but about fat loss.

Only reducing the number of calories you consume daily for several weeks will lead to weight loss. These pounds lost consist mainly of water, muscle mass and a little fat.

During weight loss, it is estimated that about a quarter of the weight lost corresponds to a loss of muscle mass. In starvation mode, the body not only draws its energy from fat: it also uses muscle protein.

How can you prevent your body from using muscle tissue for energy? In addition to weight training (to continue to titillate your muscles), it is important to consume a lot of foods rich in protein.

  • It can help to measure your waist circumference and body fat index from time to time. This way you will really know if you have lost body fat.

Tip # 8: Keep Your Weight Under Control

It is primarily your discipline and persistence that will determine your long term success. No one else can force you to exercise regularly and eat healthy.

It is important to set achievable goals for yourself. You have to think short term. Wanting to lose 20 pounds in a single year is unrealistic. Better to set goals focused on diet and sport. Practice your workout routine at the gym 3 times a week and eat healthy.

For most people, making sure the pounds lost never come back is no easy task.

As it turns out, up to 85% of people who diet are unable to shed their extra weight for good. In practice, it seems that most people who do not exercise to lose weight do not hold.

Interestingly, people who continue to exercise intensively lose weight permanently. Eating well and exercising to lose weight is the way to go for lasting weight loss.

The weekly practice of intensive sport forces your body to burn fat and prevents its storage.

The only way to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way is to combine a good diet with a hard sport practice. Those who stick to it will eventually get a flat stomach and an attractive figure.

Beginners weight loss sports routine

The best exercises to do at home Exercise : Squat Series: 4 Repetitions: 10 Rest period: 60 to 90 seconds

Military development Series: 4 Repetitions: 10 Rest period: 60 to 90 seconds

Slits Series: 4 Reps: 12 Rest period: 60 to 90 seconds

Pumps Series: 4 Repetitions: 6 Rest period: 60 to 90 seconds

Burpees Series: 4 Repetitions: 10 Rest period: 60 to 90 seconds

Leg raises Series: 4 Repetitions: 15 Rest period: 30 to 60 seconds

Bicycle abs Series: 4 Repetitions: 15 Rest period: 30 to 60 seconds

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