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How to boost metabolism to lose weight!


Updated: Jan 22, 2021

Stimulating the metabolism: the dos & don'ts for an active metabolism

You can do a lot yourself to stimulate your metabolism - and even help yourself to lose weight! With these tips, you can get your metabolism going.

How does the metabolism work?

Digestion is often equated with metabolism. This is not completely wrong, but it is only part, only a preliminary stage, of the whole.

The metabolism is also known as metabolism, which includes all biochemical processes and procedures in each individual cell.

This metabolism is made up of the all-encompassing metabolic processes: glucose metabolism, protein synthesis (protein metabolism), and fat metabolism.

If all metabolic processes are healthy and optimal, it is easier for us to maintain or lose weight.

If you want to boost your metabolism, you can also differentiate between catabolic and anabolic metabolism, in which the three metabolic processes mentioned are incorporated.

Catabolic and anabolic metabolism

Both processes never run simultaneously in one cell, but always one after the other - hormones and enzymes regulate a safe process.

  • Catabolism is a breakdown metabolism, whereby the food is broken down into individual molecules and chemical compounds and thus energy is gained - the "motor for our body" so to speak.

  • For example, proteins are converted into amino acids and carbohydrates are converted into simple sugars (glucose). The excess energy that the body does not need to maintain the vital functions is stored as so-called "storage energy" in the fat or muscle cells.

  • Anabolism is a building metabolism that supports the construction and repair of cells. Thus, amino acids , fatty acids and glucose converted back into larger body's cell components such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and can for muscle growth, wound healing, blood renewal or general cell renewal can be used.

Stimulate your metabolism with exercise

The body needs a basic amount of energy every day to be able to survive. This energy is called the basal metabolic rate.

However, if you supply your body with more energy than it needs during the day, this will be stored in the fat tissue and in the muscle cells.

When you do sports or exercise in everyday life, the body can specifically draw on the stored energy. If this doesn't happen and you are taking in more energy / calories than you need, you will gain weight.

Therefore, the best strategy to burn more calories and keep your metabolism active is regular daily exercise and exercise.

But not all sport is the same: There are several ways to increase the basal metabolic rate and specifically burn fat.

More muscle = less fat

Strength training is one of the most effective options for keeping your metabolism active. The body burns energy not only during training, but also afterwards when resting thanks to the muscle mass that has been built up.

So if you regularly challenge your muscles, you benefit on the one hand from muscle growth, a steadily higher energy requirement and, in the end, from the afterburn effect , so that a number of calories can be burned after exercise.

In short: the targeted muscle building increases the basal metabolic rate and allows metabolic processes, such as fat metabolism, to proceed more specifically.

Regular endurance training

Targeted interval training while running, swimming or cycling is also suitable for increasing calorie consumption and promoting fat burning, especially if you are eating slow carb after training.

Should you burn more calories than you consume (negative energy balance / calorie deficit ), you will get closer to the goal of losing weight very quickly.

Cardio units don't always have to last forever - a maximum of 30 minutes is often enough to maximize fat burning.

You can achieve this mainly with high-intensity training units such as HIIT . The alternating phases of exertion and recovery really boost your metabolism. When you train, you push your physical limits as a lot of oxygen is used.

As a result, the body has to expend a lot of energy, and there is also the well-known afterburn effect

The ideal training mix

Your focus should primarily be on strength training, followed by endurance units - the changing exercise routine is the guarantee for the optimization of the metabolism.

Training suggestion:

  • Beginners: 2–3 days of strength and 1 day of endurance per week + regeneration

  • Advanced: 3–4 days of strength and 2x endurance per week + regeneration

It is best to never do the same training sessions consecutively, so that your body is forced to react to the new training stimuli.

Foods that stimulate the metabolism

A well-functioning metabolism is particularly important if you want to lose weight. With a balanced, natural and vitamin-rich diet you can optimize the metabolic processes.

Basically, foods containing fiber, such as whole grain products, activate oat bran , legumes and vegetables as well as high-quality, low-fat protein and healthy fats with a positive omega-3 and omega-6 ratio the metabolism.

Especially with the split body has to expend more energy, protein-rich food - also known as the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF) or thermogenesis. Thus, the body already burns between 20 and 30 percent of the ingested proteins, which can therefore no longer land on your hips.

When it comes to fats, you should primarily use high-fat fish, linseed oil, hemp oil , flax seeds, chia seeds, olive oil or walnuts, all of which provide a lot of omega-3 fatty acids that keep your hormone levels in balance and promote muscle building.

Drinking a lot also activates the metabolism

A better rule of thumb: 4 percent of body weight. For example 2.4 liters for 60 kilograms. The best way to do this is to use low-carbon water and unsweetened teas.

Drinking enough drinks not only supports digestion, but also helps to increase the basal metabolic rate: A study by the Charité Berlin found that just 500 milliliters of fluids increase energy consumption by 24 percent for the next 60 minutes.

Cold water is also helpful from time to time for the additional energy consumption, since the body has to use energy to warm the water to body temperature.

The role of sleep and relaxation

Fitness and nutrition trainer Silke Kayadelen puts it in a nutshell: “Everything that constantly stresses us makes us fat. Because our body is organically constantly in flight mode, keeps a consistently high blood sugar level, produces more and more insulin, and brings more and more blood sugar into the cells, where it is converted into fat. "

Whether your life from stress ,Your answers to the following questions show ruled : Do you constantly feel dull, powerless and tired? Do you suffer from insomnia and nervousness? Do you find it hard to concentrate? Do you have regular cravings for alcohol, a lot of coffee or pills?

Three times 'yes' is the clear signal to actively relax now if you want to lose weight! Even small changes in everyday life can help. You can continue pedaling on the balance bike - or from now on you can incorporate little mindfulness aids into everyday life: short breathing techniques , oxygen and drinking breaks give you new energy and relax.

Stress as a brake on the metabolism

Relaxing and losing weight or maintaining a comfortable weight go together, so you should always allow yourself enough time to reduce stress. Because permanent stress often leads to the stress hormone cortisol being released too much.

The body reacts with a defensive behavior in which it reduces the fat metabolism, cannot fully carry out regeneration processes and stores more water.

In addition, increased, long-term cortisol production often leads to sleep problems. And too little sleep or sleep with too short a deep sleep phase further leads to cortisol release - a vicious cycle.

Get enough sleep

A restful sleep of at least seven to eight hours is particularly important for muscle growth, muscle regeneration and the hormone balance.

The decisive factor is the deep sleep phase at the beginning of the night's rest - it should be at least two hours. Anything below that doesn't really allow the body to recover.

What happens if you sleep poorly and too little? Your insulin level remains comparatively high, the satiety and appetite hormones leptin and ghrelin lead to an imbalance. Ghrelin is released more, it makes you appear more hungry and inhibits the fat metabolism.

The release of leptin is also inhibited, so that the brain constantly receives the signal that you are hungry - you may have noticed that if you don't sleep enough, you snack a lot more than usual.

Make sure to get a good and enough sleep to keep your metabolism active and in balance.

Recipes for an active metabolism

In your balanced diet, include lots of vegetables that provide you with vitamins, minerals and fiber.

The FIT FOR FUN recipes also provide you with complex carbohydrates , healthy fats, vegetable and animal proteins. For a healthy and active metabolism - have fun cooking.



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