I would rather warn you in advance: Opinions are divided about this taste. Green tea ice cream tastes like - well - green tea. Some love this taste, especially people who otherwise drink green tea, eat sushi and appreciate Far Eastern culture. Others just find the ice cream “gross” because it is not sweet even though it contains some sugar. But decide for yourself.

Recipe: Matcha green tea ice cream
Recipe variant: ice cream Difficulty grade: Medium
250 ml whole milk
3 egg yolks
40 g of sugar
20 g Zuck-er-beet-syrup *
3 g matcha * (green tea powder) (approx. 3 heaped bamboo spoons)
100 ml of hot water
400 g cream
Heat the milk, but do not let it boil.
In the meantime, stir the egg yolks with the sugar and syrup until the sugar has dissolved well.
Stir the hot milk into the sugar-egg mixture until everything is mixed.
Let the milk simmer again in the saucepan until the mixture becomes creamier. Be careful not to let it boil, otherwise the yolks will curdle.
Remove the mixture from the heat and let it cool down.
Pour matcha powder with approx. 100 ml of hot water (ideally 70–80 ° C) in a small bowl and stir with a matcha whisk * until many small bubbles have formed on the surface of the tea. The matcha broom should not touch the bottom of the bowl.
Add the tea and cream to the ice cream mixture and let it cool down further to room temperature.
Stir briefly and pour the mixture into the ice cream maker or prepare according to these instructions without an ice cream maker.
The ice cream tastes particularly good when something sweet is served with it, for example cookies or some chocolate.
If you like to drink green tea, you can also use one gram more matcha.
If you are not sure whether you like the taste at all, stick to the 3 grams and take 80 g of sugar.
How do you like the ice cream? Comments Below.
If you need Original Source of Japanese Matcha Green Tea 🍵 , Click here