Are you tired of that stubborn fat and want to know how to get rid of it fast? Then you've come to the right place!

Sometimes losing weight and shedding unwanted fat can seem like an impossible task. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to burn fat.
Boost Your Metabolism and Start Burning Fat with the tips in this article, all backed by scientific research.
Here is a preview of what you will discover:
The main reason why you can't burn fat
What natural fat burner I recommend
Exercises that can be done at home to burn fat
The best tips to get slim in a few months, all scientifically proven
And much more…
What is fat burning?
Do you want to know how to burn fat? Then you have come to the right place, because that is precisely the purpose of this article.
Everyone has their own goals for weight loss and health.
But if you want to lose body fat, you have to know how fat burning works.
I'll make it short, so be careful!
As soon as we eat, the body converts food into glucose .
Glucose is an important source of energy for the body. To allow cells to take up glucose from the blood, the body produces insulin .
It is the pancreas that produces this insulin. Insulin can be seen as the guardian of cells. It is she who opens the door to let in the glucose. Without insulin, cells could not be supplied with energy.

What happens when we eat more than we need?
Besides brain cells and muscle cells, we also have fat cells. If we have more glucose than we can use, the excess is stored in the liver as glycogen.
The liver can only store a limited amount of glycogen. If it is full, the excess is stored in fat cells where it is turned into fat.
If the body needs more energy or glucose, due to strict diet or physical exertion, and there is no food on hand, it turns to the cells. adipose.
The free fatty acids then leave the fat cells and return directly to the blood to supply all the other cells in the body.

This is how we burn fat.
In theory, it is this natural process (storing fat when there is excess glucose and burning fat when there is a lack of glucose) that should operate.
Unfortunately, most people are light years away from a healthy diet.
So we are not taking advantage of this natural process. We eat poorly and seldom stimulate fat burning.
Can't get rid of your little tummy? Find out how to burn fat with the help of these practical tips!

8 Effective tips for burning fat backed by science
Tip # 1: Intermittent Fasting
Are you looking for an effective way to burn fat with less effort?
Then intermittent fasting is for you!
Intermittent fasting offers many benefits besides weight loss and fat burning.
I will present these benefits without delay.
But first of all, let me explain what intermittent fasting is.
Intermittent fasting has grown significantly in popularity in recent years.
Intermittent fasting is pretty straightforward. How do you go about it?
Fast for 24 hours one or two days of your choice per week. During these 24 hours, do not consume any calories. On other days, eat normally.

Why is intermittent fasting so effective at burning fat?
When we practice intermittent fasting, the body is forced to draw its energy from fat stores. We therefore start to burn fat, which, over time, results in weight loss.
The body uses glucose (sugar) from food as its main source of energy and stores excess glycogen in muscles and liver.
When the body does not have enough glucose, it begins to break down glycogen for use as fuel.
Once glycogen is depleted, the body looks for other sources of energy and particularly turns to fat cells.
This is the principle of the ketogenic diet , which consists of reducing your intake of carbohydrates; the body is then forced to turn to fat reserves to draw its energy.
In a review article, the effects of alternate-day fasting on participants' body composition were examined over a period of 3 to 12 weeks. The results of this study revealed that fasting every other day is very effective in burning fat. Participants lost an average of 7% of their initial weight and the fat loss was almost 5.5 kg ( source )!
Another study, in which participants followed the 16/8 method, also found that fasting helps burn fat.
Another advantage: there was no decrease in muscle mass and muscle strength ( source ).
This is why I recommend the practice of strength training alongside intermittent fasting.
What are the other benefits of intermittent fasting?
The list of benefits is endless:
It improves the body's resistance to oxidative stress ( source , source ).
It improves blood pressure, total and LDL cholesterol levels, triglycerides (fats in the blood) and blood sugar levels ( source , source ).
It stimulates autophagy , a protective process characterized by the degradation of old cells and the removal of unwanted waste ( source , source ).
In rats, fasting has been shown to stimulate the production of new nerve cells from stem cells.
More proof that what is good for the body is also good for the brain.
Looking for more information on how to start intermittent fasting?
Find out how to burn fat with intermittent fasting here.
Tip # 2: Fitness and bodybuilding
All sports that work on muscle resistance (weight) are good for burning fat and getting a slimmer figure.
Most diets (especially draconian diets) have the drawback of creating an excessive calorie deficit, to the detriment of the muscles.
Following a strict diet can affect the metabolism. This is the body's natural response to a prolonged calorie deficit.
When we ingest too few calories to be able to function normally, the body adapts by using less energy.

The body draws its energy from both fat and muscle mass.
If you lose a lot of muscle, the body starts to burn fewer calories. This only makes the situation worse.
Regularly going to the gym will allow you to avoid muscle wasting while continuing to burn fat.
The intensity of the effort is more important than aiming for a specific heart rate.
I can already hear you sigh: intense efforts, no thank you ...
If you want to burn fat but hate sports, aim to hit the gym at least two or three times a week.
Fifteen minutes of effort with weights is enough to cause a temporary increase in metabolism.
This is called post-combustion (Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption or EPOC) . This means that you burn more calories after exercising.
Best of all, almost all of the energy used to help the body recover comes from body fat!
Do you want an example of a slimming menu, along with the recipes and the shopping list?
Tip # 3: Drink mostly (cold) water
Water is not everyone's favorite drink.
Water promotes weight loss and helps burn fat when it replaces drinks high in calories and sugars.
It often happens that we think we are hungry when our body is begging for something to drink.

This can be easily avoided by drinking a few glasses of water every day.
Besides water balance and waste elimination, drinking water also promotes increased metabolism.
A study of fourteen healthy adults shows that drinking half a liter of water increases metabolism by 30% for an hour ( source ).
In my articles, I often say that drinking a glass of water before meals promotes weight loss because water leads to greater satiety.
But did you also know that drinking water means that not all of the calories from the meal are absorbed by the body?
And if all of these facts aren't enough to convince you that drinking more promotes fat loss, remember that water is calorie-free !
Tip # 4: Cardio
First of all, let me clarify that sticking to cardio isn't the best way to get rid of that little tummy.
Cardio promotes cardiovascular health and helps burn fat.
I recommend that you practice cardio in addition to applying the other tips in this article.
What do we mean by cardio?
Cardio is a form of aerobic exercise.
During aerobic exercise, the body has enough time to supply oxygen and make energy from fat, but also from muscle mass.
There are several ways to practice cardio:

Cardio has been shown to be good for heart muscles and blood vessels. It also helps in improving breathing and weight loss.
Several studies show that cardio can be effective in reducing visceral fat.
Losing weight effectively often means eating less and being more active.
Do you want to lose weight while doing cardio?
In this case, make sure you do at least half an hour of cardio four times a week.
Tip # 5: Increase Your Protein Intake
Your food choices make a huge difference when it comes to losing or gaining weight.
Most people who struggle with being overweight also suffer from high blood pressure, insulin resistance, and high cholesterol.
Consuming refined sugars and carbohydrates prevents the body from burning fat efficiently.
Excess abdominal fat and overweight are due to a poor lifestyle.
If you want good nutritional advice, remember this: increasing your daily protein intake speeds up weight loss and helps burn fat.

You can also use the whey protein (or whey protein), a by-product of cheese making.
Whey protein owes its effectiveness to the fact that its proteins are better assimilated than other types of food or supplements and that it is easily digested.
The proteins found in whey protein are of the highest quality because they contain all of the essential amino acids.
The body is unable to manufacture essential amino acids and must obtain them from the diet. Protein diets can also promote fat burning.
What is the recommended daily intake of protein? Be sure to consume at least 1g of protein per pound of body weight.
Tip # 6: Interval training (HIIT)
Warning: This form of training is not for wimps!
I couldn't skip interval training (HIIT) in this list of fat burning tips.
Several studies have shown that HIIT causes an increase in metabolism for several hours after the session (source ).
A HIIT session involves alternating short, intense efforts with short periods of rest.
The exercises are repeated several times. A HIIT session usually lasts between 15 and 30 minutes.
Most people don't have enough free time to exercise these days, HIIT is a great way to get results quickly.

This is because the body uses more oxygen to recover after strenuous physical activity.
HIIT is distinguished by the intensity of the workouts and a higher afterburning, which can lead to the expenditure of hundreds of calories more.
Another study showed two minutes of HIIT in the form of sprints is enough to increase post-exercise oxygen uptake (EPOC) for up to 24 hours. This additional calorie expenditure is equivalent to 30 minutes of walking ( source ).
Tip # 7: Skip breakfast regularly
Breakfast is still the most important meal of the day for many people.
It is generally believed that eating a balanced breakfast stimulates the metabolism and helps decrease hunger for the rest of the day.
But in principle, it does not matter whether you eat breakfast or not , as long as you eat well for the rest of the day.
Eating breakfast right out of bed does not activate the metabolism. On the contrary, skipping breakfast boosts metabolism and helps burn fat.
People who practice intermittent fasting and do not eat anything for a period of 16 hours often skip breakfast. They concentrate their meals for the day in an 8 hour window.
During short periods of fasting, the body uses fat stores for energy and metabolism increases ( source).
Some people swear by breakfast. And there is no problem with that, as long as it is healthy and varied.
Think about protein and good fats. Consuming more protein and fat leads to faster and longer lasting satiety ( source ).
But if you find that skipping breakfast is helping you regulate your weight, it might be a good option for you.
Tip # 8: Exposure to cold
This last tip is a pretty unusual trick to stimulate fat burning.
Indeed, there is another way to burn hundreds of calories without breaking a sweat.
In fact, you don't have to do anything at all.
No, this is not a joke ...
What am I talking about ? To expose your body to the cold !
You may be wondering how exposure to cold can lead to such good results?
It's pretty straightforward. The body does all it can to maintain a normal temperature of 37 degrees.
Exposed to cold, he has to work harder to produce enough heat.
In addition, the cold activates the brown fatty tissue. Brown tissue uses white fatty tissue to burn energy and maintain body heat.
You can burn even more fat by wearing less clothing in your home. One of the reasons that some people burn little fat despite living in a cold climate is because they are too warmly dressed.

But wait ! This is not an invitation to rush outside and run around naked in your yard.
Besides the fact that your neighbors are unlikely to appreciate the initiative, it's important to take it little by little.
It is best to gradually expose yourself to lower temperatures.
Exposure to temperatures that are too low is bad for your health and can even be dangerous. As we have seen above, excellent results can be achieved at temperatures of 19 and 17 degrees. Another idea is to take a cold bath.
But beware: N expose your body to a never intense cold for more than 5 minutes. It would have no effect, and could even lead to hypothermia!