Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight and keep it off knows how difficult this task can be.
Do you want to eat a healthy diet? In this case, starving yourself is not the solution.
Losing weight takes time and patience. If you do it right, the results will follow.
Dieting can be difficult when you don't know what to do. In this article, I tell you how to diet the healthy way.

Here's a preview of what you'll learn there:
What to eat when on a diet
How to diet safely and without being hungry
How to maintain a long-term diet
7 simple tips for a successful diet
And much more…
What is a diet?
To go on a diet is to try to lose weight using a diet or a cure.
How to go on a diet without being hungry?
Are you trying to lose weight and you can't stop thinking about food? Or do you want to know how to diet without being hungry all the time?
In this case, you're at the right address.
As you know, eating less is the most effective way to lose weight.
But if you eat so little that your diet can be called a draconian diet (less than 1,000 calories per day), not only will you suffer, but you could end up losing weight almost completely.
Not to mention the health problems ( fatigue , muscle wasting, concentration problems, etc.) that an extremely low calorie diet can cause ( source , source ).
Everything we eat has a huge impact on the biological processes that determine when, what and how much we eat. The satiating effect of food is particularly important. Foods rich in good fats and proteins are more satiating and soothe hunger.
Unfortunately, processed foods have the opposite effect.
Apart from the fact that they contain few essential nutrients, they are not very satiating and lead to overeating.
This causes the body to produce large amounts of insulin, the fat storage hormone. And when you are on a diet, this is something you should avoid as much as possible.
If you want to diet and improve your health, some foods are better than others. You will find out which ones later in this article.
What should you eat during a diet?
If you want to diet, you need to choose a diet that is right for you.
Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a miracle diet yet ... but some diets will work better for you than others.

The best diet for you will depend on various factors such as your diet goals, food preferences, dietary restrictions, and any illnesses you have (including chronic illnesses).
When you want to lose weight, the type of food you eat is extremely important. Research shows that drastically reducing your carbohydrate intake and consuming more fat can significantly increase calorie expenditure.
Here are the reasons for the effectiveness of a low carb diet:
Insulin production decreases (stable blood sugar); However, fat storage only takes place with high insulin levels
Consuming more protein and fat increases feelings of fullness ( source )
The feeling of fullness leads to consuming fewer calories ( source )
The body is forced to switch from burning sugar (the glucose from carbohydrates) to burning fat.
More effective than low fat diets
The carbohydrates that can be consumed as part of a low carb diet are slow carbohydrates . These are mostly found in unprocessed foods .
What to eat and drink when on a low carb diet?
Here is a list of permitted foods:
Herbs and spices
Fish / seafood
Unprocessed meat
Nuts (in moderation)
Seeds (in moderation)
Yogurt / whole cottage cheese
Fat cheese (in moderation)
Dark chocolate (in moderation)
Pasture butter
Black coffee
Red wine (in moderation)
Green smoothies
Herbal teas
These are foods whose benefits outweigh the harms.

Foods prohibited or to be consumed as little as possible
Sodas (including diet drinks)
Pastries, cakes, toasts, etc.
Breakfast cereals
Vegetal oils
White wine
Hot dogs
Store-bought sauces / soups
To learn more about the low carb diet, read my full article: Low Carb Diet + 9 Recipes And 6 Dangers
Can you lose weight without dieting?
In most cases, dieting is no easy task. Can we lose weight without following a specific diet? Yes it's possible.
Here are some tips to lose weight without dieting:
Do you want an example of a slimming menu, along with the recipes and the shopping list? Click here .
Get enough sleep

Sleeping well is essential for having a healthy weight. Chronic sleep deprivation affects hormonal balance. Research shows that certain hormones have a dramatic effect on appetite and fat storage ( source ).
So make sure you get at least 7 hours of sleep a night.
Stress is a sneaky evil. It affects almost all aspects of life. An excess of cortisol, the stress hormone, has a negative effect on:
Testosterone levels
The sleep
Spiritual well-being
The fat mass rate
That's why tackling stress is one of the best things you can do if you want to get rid of your stubborn belly fat without having to diet. Sport can compensate for the effects of stress. Choose a sport you like!
More on this subject in this article: 8 Sport Tips To Lose Weight Quickly + Home Exercises
Eat better
You can lose weight even without a strict diet. To do this, you simply need to avoid refined carbohydrates and added sugars as much as possible.
Above I told you which foods are bad for hormonal balance and for the figure.
Replace them with slow carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, good fats and proteins from natural and unprocessed foods.
Drink less alcohol
If you want to get back on your feet without dieting, you'd better avoid alcohol. Alcohol contains empty calories and can slow down fat burning. Also, alcoholic drinks are packed with sugars, which can lead to weight gain.
Want a little drink anyway? In this article, you'll learn which low-carb alcoholic drinks are best if you don't want to give up alcohol altogether.
Looking for more tips on how to lose weight more easily without dieting?
In this case, read 10 Tips for Weight Loss Without Diet and Healthy
7 tips for a safe diet
Dieting can be difficult when you don't know how to go about it. So here are 7 tips for a healthy diet.
Tip # 1: Keep a food journal
Whatever diet you want to follow, keeping a food journal can help you stick to your diet goals.
In a 2008 study, participants who logged their daily food intake lost twice as much weight as participants who did not ( source ).
Also, keeping a food journal is a good way to empower yourself.
Are you no longer losing weight? Maybe you are eating a little too much?
A food journal will help you determine what changes you need to make in your diet.
Why do diets fail so often? Because a lot of people go too fast or lack consistency.
They underestimate their calorie intake and pay attention to their diet only a few days a week. A food journal can therefore be useful as part of a diet, especially at the very beginning.
Tip # 2: Get Enough Protein
If you want your diet to be successful, protein is your secret weapon. Eating foods high in protein promotes weight loss in several ways.
First of all, proteins provide lasting satiety. This means that you are fuller for longer and that you are less inclined to snack.
In addition, proteins have a thermal effect on the body. Consumption of foods rich in protein speeds up the metabolism for several hours ( source ).
The daily protein intake is important, but so is the type of protein. If you only eat chicken, you will not enjoy the benefits of beef (rich in iron), fatty fish (rich in omega-3), or chickpeas (rich in fiber).
In one study, participants whose calorie intake was 30% protein consumed nearly 450 calories less per day, and lost 5.5 pounds in just three months ( source ).
In this article, I explain what your daily protein needs are .
Tip # 3: Eat low starch vegetables
Calorie restriction is an essential condition for the success of a diet. But dieting isn't all about counting calories.
To function properly, you must also eat healthy. If your diet lacks essential nutrients, your health will eventually suffer.

Everyone knows that vegetables are good for you. Most vegetables are relatively high in nutrients and have a low calorie density.
To be precise, go for low starch vegetables. They are rich in minerals and vitamins and low in sugars and starch.
In principle, I recommend all vegetables except carrots, pumpkin and tuber vegetables (potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc.).
Tip # 4: Drink more water
Are you on a diet and hungry? Start by drinking two glasses of water.
Sometimes we confuse hunger and thirst. If you are mildly dehydrated and hungry, drinking water can calm your appetite ( source ).

Empty in calories, water is a good way to quench your thirst and fill your stomach.
How much water should I drink per day? Try to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. This includes the water present in drinks and in food.
Tip # 5: Prepare your meals in advance
What to eat when you want to diet and have a busy life ?
It is not always easy to think about what to eat. Especially when you come home late at night after a stressful day at work.
To avoid giving in to cookies and sweets, it's best to prepare meals in advance. This will help you stay the course.
When hunger rises and you don't have anything to eat in your diet, making the right food choices can be extremely difficult.
If you plan your meals and make your shopping list each week, you will have enough choices at mealtimes.
Preparing most of your meals in advance can also help save you time and money.
Tip # 6: Consume more fiber
Fiber is very beneficial. They are found in fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains.
Fiber slows the rise in blood sugar because it slows down carbohydrate metabolism.
In addition, fiber makes you feel full more quickly and therefore leads to eating less ( source ). This is because fiber slows down stomach emptying ( source ).
It is therefore advisable to eat a serving of fruits, vegetables, legumes or whole grains with each meal.
Tip # 7: Skip breakfast once in a while
Contrary to what we hear everywhere, breakfast is not the most important meal of the day!
Many people imagine that having breakfast stimulates the metabolism. On the contrary: the body only metabolizes fat during periods when we are not eating. As soon as you eat your morning cereal or cornflakes, your body immediately kicks in on sugar.
Want to burn fat ? Skip breakfast 1-3 times a week, and don't eat anything before lunch. Thus, your body will stay in fat burning mode for longer.
It is okay to drink water, tea or coffee in the morning. The important thing is not to ingest calories before lunchtime (on pain of breaking the fast ).
Lose extra pounds and belly fat quickly with easy-to-use slimming recipes Did you know that research shows that dieting causes weight gain in 1 in 3 people? ( source ) This is why I have developed a method of weight loss that is easy to maintain and that avoids any yoyo effect. You will discover delicious recipes, designed to lose weight quickly and durably. Here's a look at what you'll find in my bestselling slimming cookbook:
Over 100 delicious recipes, quick and easy to prepare (and sure to please the whole family)
How my delicious meat, fish or vegetarian recipes can make you lose several pounds every week
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